
17A is an address for resources to engage with your customers.

“When digital is done right, it’s like a caterpillar turning into a butterfly, but when done wrong, all you have is a really fast caterpillar.” — George Westerman


CALD (Cultural and Language Diversity)


Australia's population includes many people who were born overseas, have a parent born overseas, or speak a variety of languages. Together, these groups of people are known as culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) populations. While there are translators that will interpret for your business, they can be expensive and frequently inconvenient - especially when you are trying to manage multiple conversations or high traffic enquires.

Instead, what we can provide is:

a) The ability to have a conversation with your customers in 109 languages

b) A cloud-based platform for your customer service team to access and respond to all messages

c) Maintain a history of all messages, in both English and the enquirer’s language.

d) Ability to export all conversations, track data and download reports

e) Customers can access you via SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Web Chat, Telegram and Google Business Messenger all via one cloud based interface.

Business Development


From initial sales through to growing your existing customer base - we help with your Business Development. Sales & Marketing go hand in hand, and we’ll work with you to develop an effective strategy to achieve cut-through in your market.

Our wide network of partners can assist with creative, design, implementation and delivery of results, with 17A at the helm to ensure you’re happy with the outcome.

Don’t forget: if you don’t promote your business something terrible happens - NOTHING.


Multilingual Customer Service


Imagine a customer service platform that automatically translates text messages in your call centre, empowering you to have a conversation with your customers in 109 languages. All this and speak to 8x the amount of customers through messages than phone calls.

Sounds too good to be true? It’s not.

Create a life line to the non English market

The web-based software, will break down the communication barrier faced by non-english speakers and the hearing impaired - but the produce goes so much further than this.

It also allows all businesses to capture invaluable data on the conversations their customer service teams are having with clients, as well as enabling mass-broadcast marketing to all customers.

For more information, click the Get Started Button

Mobile Marketing and Engagement


Mobile marketing and engagement is an essential element in talking with your existing and potential customers. The platforms I recommend are text-based and prove superior to email marketing and significantly faster than phone marketing.

  1. 98% Open Rate

  2. 90% of Message is read within 3 minutes

  3. 90 Seconds - Average Response Time

  4. 64% Purchase with a relevant message

Solutions interface with numerous CRM platforms, as well as our partner’s Multilingual Customer Services Software.

We can also build bespoke API's.  

Fill out my enquiry form and lets start talking.


mDollar & Dream Dollars


Changing people's behaviour is the holy grail of marketing. Can we achieve it through reward? Yes!

Transactional & Promotional Rewards are emerging as leaders in mobile engagement.

17A has various unique concepts to be able to track and reward engagement with any aspect of your website or retail operation.  This is game-changing and very disruptive.

Fill out our enquiry form and let’s start talking.

Coming soon is mDollar (Transactional Reward) and Dream Dollars (Promotional Reward) changing the way we transact and reward.

Hire Dave for Voice Over & TV

The spoken word is a major marketing tool, be it Radio or TV Commercials, Audio Books, Audio Blogs, Audio Tracks for Corporate Presentations, Audio backing for You Tube presentations or instructional videos. If you require a voice track for any reason please fill out my contact page and I will contact you at the earliest convenience. 

Insurance Line TVC | David Hayes 

Dave's Showreel